27. kolovoza 2013.

Quinoa salad with tuna fish, green beans, tomatoes and feta cheese / Salata od quinoe sa tunjevinom, zelenim mahunama, rajčicom i feta sirom

I love quinoa! It's healthy and easy to prepare. I cook it often and mix it with some seasonal vegetables, or fish, or grilled chicken breasts. This time I made a salad that is in particular made with rice, but I replaced it with quinoa. I've learned to prepare it when I was in Sardegna, in Italy,  9 years ago. I must say, it was about 15 years ago when I fell in love with Italy and in food and cooking, in general.
So, back to the recipe, this is an easy summer dish to take on a beach or just to have as a side dish or a main light dish.
Ingredients for 4

2 cups cooked quinoa
300g green beans
150g fava beans, cooked and peeled of skin
1 can tuna fish (about 300 g), drained of
200g of feta cheese, sliced in cubes
2 large tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 boiled egg, finely chopped
4tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
a handful of fresh thyme

Cook the green beans in a large pot of salted boiling water until bright green in colour and crisp-tender, stirring occasionally, about 4 minutes. Using a mesh strainer, transfer the green beans to a large bowl of ice water to cool completely. Drain the green beans and dry with a towel. Cut them in little pieces, for the salad.
Mix all the ingredients adding salt and black pepper to taste, and in the end add fresh thyme. Refrigerate for an hour and serve chilled.

red bowl: handmade by NakitbyMarinaMarinski 

Recept na hrvatskom

2 šalice kuhane quinoe
300 g zelenih mahuna
150 g mladog boba, kuhanog
1 konzerva tunjevine, oko 300 g
200 g feta sira narezanog na kockice
2 velike rajčice, oguljene i narezane na manje komade
1 kuhano jaje
4 žlice ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja
sol i svježe mljeveni crni papar
stručak svježeg timijana

Zelene mahune blanširajte u puno kipuće, dobro posoljene vode, oko 4-5 minuta. Moraju ostati lijepe zelene boje i hrskave, kada su kuhane, odmah ih ocijedite pod mlazom hladne vode. Ocijedite i narežite na manje komade.
Sve sastojke za salatu pomiješajte, začinite po potrebi solju, paprom i ekstradjevičanskim maslinovim uljem te dodajte listiće timijana. Ohladite 1h u hladnjaku prije posluživanja. 

4 komentara:

Bite my cake kaže...

od svih tih žitarica, kvinoju najvolim :)
super receptić!

pekarica-suzyca.blogspot.com kaže...
Autor je uklonio komentar.
pekarica-suzyca.blogspot.com kaže...

Hajde da se igramo ;)

Dilajla kaže...

I ja ju jako volim ali moji klinci i baš ne a tvoja izgleda i više nego primamljivo